San Antonio Express-News, hernandez A year ago today our beloved patriarch left this earth to complete his unearthly tasks. Indeed absence makes the heart grow fonder as all who knew this man mourn and celebrate his memory in every instance. And though missing him has taken its toll we have grown to keep his lessons in our everyday; his tools are kept in use, we drive his truck, his rooster still crows, his jacket hangs on the back of the chair and not a day goes by where we don't share a memory. To have lost such an influential person in an untimely way leaves a void in our lives that no words or actions could ever express, so in honor of him we work, we play, we love and we try. Through faith in God and love of Family we walk our paths one step at a time and cherish the gift we were granted in having him for as long as we did. We will forever love you; we will honor you always and hope and pray that you look upon us with pride. Through the stories you have shared and the ones we created together, your spirit lives on. Rest in Peace our Lion amongst men. Rogelio DLR Hernandez 07/30/1962 - 03/24/2012