San Antonio Express-News, IN LOVING MEMORY... Ava Lynn Cruz "Our Precious angel" September 28, 1956 - April 01, 2003 Ten years have past and not one day has gone by without thinking of you. You gave of yourself to the very end, like the angel you always were. You taught us love, kindness, compassionand humility, and that "family" was everything; that still remains true to our core. The journey without you has not been without its perils. Together we have drawn from each other knowing in our hearts that your fight was greater than anything we would confront. We continue to surge forward, as we know we can overcome any challenge tomorrow may bring. Our boy's are healthy, intelligent, and beautiful and resemble more of you as each day passes. You blessed us individually and as a family we can only imagine what it could have been like having you here with us, yet we know there's much still to do. With all of our continued love and grace, John, Sean, Jordan, Ruth, Sandy, Tracey and all of your loving family