Pioneer Press - Twin Cities, Austin Jersey McLean 1930 ~ 2015 The Chief of SpecialCollections and Rare Books at the University of Minnesota fornearly three decades; a feisty Marine, and a lively member of Ampersand Club and Baker Street Irregulars, AustinJersey McLean died the night of January 16th. Preceded in death by wife Sue (2007), daughter Sara (1978) and brother Neil (2010); he is survived by nephews Sam and Austin McLean. Alsosurvived by three Hunter sister-in-laws: Marion, Sara, Maggie in the Twin Cities; brother-in-law Louis Hunter in Wilmette, Illinois, and sister-in-law Barbara McLean in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Survived, as well, by cousinsgalore, including Ken and Mary Rouse, who are in Florida at the moment. Donations to SpecialCollections at University ofMinnesota Libraries. As Austinoften remarked: "If you can say it's a Brae, Bricht, Moonlicht Nicht, then you're All Richt, ye Ken."